Remember some of the sayings you heard growing up. Oh, mother!
Well, with the designated Mother’s Day coming up I wanted to share a couple of them. Think back to some of the sayings you heard your mother or grandmother say. I am sure a side eye was justified, but you would not dare to let it come out.
Today as an adult, you are a little taken back and laugh at some of them. I mean come on…hilarious.
[bctt tweet=”I Am Your Mom Your Argument is Invalid” via=”no”]
I will not get into the year I was born. I am sure some households have heard the same things over time. We can laugh about them now. Seriously, you knew when your mother or grandmother said something you reacted the first time.
Here is the 5 sayings your momma probably said to you…
“You better be in the house before the street lights come on”
Child: I don’t want to eat that. Mother: “Well I guess you not hungry”
Turn that light off, you don’t pay bills around here.
Child: Momma, can I go to the movies? Momma: “You have some money?”
Child: Momma, I need a watch. Momma: “You don’t need you want.”
Honestly, I don’ t know where some of these sayings came from. I do remember using these expressions with my children. What are some of the things you heard growing up and you find yourself saying today?
A salute to the all the moms out there. Pat yourself on the back everyday.
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